Support Us


Why volunteer? It is a great way to make new friends and learn new skills – and our kettle is always on! We are always looking for new volunteers to work in our shops and help us out in other ways, whether it’s baking for coffee mornings or sharing crafting skills with our clients. Each volunteer receives training and they participate according to their personal strengths and experiences.

If you would like to volunteer with us, please complete the Volunteer Registration Form or contact us by phone on 01540 661000 or 662846.

We are open Monday to Saturday and we ask volunteers in the shops to cover either morning shifts (10am-1.15pm) or afternoon shifts (1.15 – 4.30pm). We also have opportunities to help with sorting and cleaning / upcycling donations and would be delighted to speak to you if this is something you may be interested in.


Caberfeidh Horizons is a registered charity and is completely self-funding. We receive no monies other than through grant funding, donations, legacies and the money we take in through our shops. 

To support the delivery of our work, you can make a donation in a number of ways:

  • Send a cheque payable to “Caberfeidh Horizons”, to 16 High Street, Kingussie, PH21 1HR.
  • Set up a regular Standing Order from your bank account to “Caberfeidh Horizons”, Bank of Scotland, sort code 80 05 40, account number 06001909.
  • Leave a legacy in your will. People generously remembering Caberfeidh Horizons in their will is a wonderful way of sustaining and developing our work. No matter the amount, every legacy makes a difference. If you need any advice, please call us on 01540 661000.

Thank you for your support – every donation makes a real difference to our clients and the community.

Supporters and Funders

We are very grateful to all of our sponsors who include:

The Robertson Trust – Lloyds TSB – The Henry Smith Charity – Leader+ – The Scottish Government – Cooperative Community Fund – Cairngorms Community Led Vision Fund – Cranfield Trust – The Big Lottery – Albyn Housing – The Wider Role – Coull Estate – The Third Sector – Highland Cross – The Highland Council – NHS Health Scotland – Scottish Development Centre – Cairngorms National Park – Rural and Island Communities Ideas into action Fund – The Tudor Trust – The Scottish Executive Health Department- Futurebuilders Scotland – Awards for All Scotland – RS Macdonald – Highland Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund.

We would also like to acknowledge and thank all the individuals, businesses and groups from within the community and further afield who donate their time and funds to support our work – thank you all!